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Salt Therapy in Pakistan

Salt Therapy in Pakistan

Want to know more about salt therapy in Pakistan? Read the complete information given below. Also, you can book an appointment to visit our best salt therapy room in Pakistan.

What Is Salt Therapy

Salt therapy commonly known as Halotherapy has been around for centuries in Eastern Europe. Research has shown that the effect of the dry highly dispersible aerosol of natural rock salt and other factors of a microclimate have shown to cleanse the respiratory tract and the body as a whole. The size of the particles is the same as in a natural salt cave. Research on salt has shown that Halotherapy alleviates many bodily discomforts that we suffer from today. For decades and even centuries, people have visited salt caves in Europe to alleviate their respiratory and skin discomforts.

How It Works

Halo Air’s technology grinds the salt into air particles and consistently pumps it into the room to create a dry salt aerosol. While sitting in the room you are surrounded by the fine salt and the negative ions created in the air. Our high-end technology measures the salt concentration in the air and automatically fills the room with the proper amount of salt particles. The walls, ceilings and floors are covered with salt to sterilize the room. At the same time, the air is circulated with a developed system to keep the air fresh. The temperature and humidity are constantly maintained to keep the rooms at the microclimate of a natural salt cave.

Want to Book Salt Room?

Fill the form on this page to book an appointment with us. You need to give the complete details such as full name, email, contact, booking timings etc. You will get a confirmation call from our office and will be guided accordingly.

salt therapy in pakistan